I think it’s pretty safe to say that everyone has worries in the back of their minds about whether their cars are going to be stolen one day, or perhaps the contents within their pride and joys.

Thinking back to a period of time where I had recently passed my driving test, I remember being a victim of theft; someone smashed the back screen of my car to try and steal a pair of cheap speakers that I had fitted to the parcel shelf (my car didn’t have speakers at the back).

Luckily for me (in some ways) I had fitted an alarm system to my car about a month earlier, and it went off as I was sat downstairs in my living room, the car being parked outside of my house.

Having jumped to my feet and rushed outside, I couldn’t see the person that did it, and although nothing got stolen I had to pay for a new rear screen to be fitted to my car the next day – something which, as you can imagine, I was rather annoyed about paying for!

Image credit: dumbonyc

Anyway, it’s probably also safe to assume that the owners of Jaguar cars are more likely to be worried about falling victim to car theft, especially as a lot of Jaguar models can cost as much as the value of people’s homes!

If you own a Jaguar and you are paranoid about people breaking into or stealing your precious piece of British automotive engineering and craftsmanship, here are a couple of top tips to help you keep your car more secure and lower the chances of rogue elements of society attacking your Jag!

Choose your parking spaces wisely

Most Jaguar owners will have their own driveways where they can keep their cars safely off the road, but what about when you have to drive to work, a friend or family member’s home, or even some other random location?

Obviously you will need to find somewhere to park your car eventually, so it is important that you choose your parking space with care. This means avoiding parking your Jaguar in any seedy-looking areas, such as unlit or unmaintained car parks, or near any public locations where the chance of damage to your car (and possibly theft) are going to be higher than usual.

Upgrade your Jaguar’s security

Jaguar dealership H.A Fox tell me that the alarm systems fitted to modern Jaguar cars these days are some of the best in the world, and whilst this may give a lot of people peace of mind, a determined car thief will always find a way to get around a security system.

Having said that, you don’t have to make their lives easy so you can always upgrade the alarm system in your Jaguar. For example, you could have installed a GPS tracking device which can tell you exactly where your car is if it is stolen, and it can also help the police to locate your car (and the thief) quicker.

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